Child Custody Investigations

Ensure the safety and well-being of the ones who hold the dearest place in your heart – your children.

Child Custody Disputes

Child Custody Investigations  – Your child’s well-being is the most important thing when you are not around and your child is with your former spouse or partner. We have handled many cases of missing persons, where the parent took off with the child and did not keep in touch. Children may be too young, too naive, or too scared to tell you the truth about what goes on when they are with their other parent.

You need proof if your ex is endangering your child, mistreating or neglecting your child, or breaking any rules of a legal child custody agreement. Silver Shield Investigation will help you get this proof by doing secret surveillance and investigation to verify if your suspicions are valid.

We will assist you with these questions, depending on your specific case:

Is your former spouse or partner exposing your child to unsuitable people or dangerous situations? Are they staying out late when they should be looking after your child? Are they using authorized caregivers? Are they taking your child to school punctually? Are they using a car seat as the law demands? Are they driving carelessly with your child in the car? Are they abusing drugs or alcohol? Are they involved in any illegal activity? Are there any reports of domestic violence or other issues about your ex that you are unaware of? Silver Shield’s highly skilled private investigators will give you the essential documents – video and photo proof along with a formal written report – needed to win your case in court. Did you know that most ‘kidnappings’ are actually abductions by someone the child knows? If your ex-partner has taken your child without permission then we can do a missing persons or kidnapping investigation.


For a free consultation about your child custody matters, call 212-313-9512

Silver Shield Investigation Services

We're here to help


We’re always discrete and confidential.​
Over 20 years experience in investigation and security services.